Over-Parameterization Exponentially Slows Down Gradient Descent for Learning a Single Neuron

by   Weihang Xu, et al.

We revisit the problem of learning a single neuron with ReLU activation under Gaussian input with square loss. We particularly focus on the over-parameterization setting where the student network has n≥ 2 neurons. We prove the global convergence of randomly initialized gradient descent with a O(T^-3) rate. This is the first global convergence result for this problem beyond the exact-parameterization setting (n=1) in which the gradient descent enjoys an exp(-Ω(T)) rate. Perhaps surprisingly, we further present an Ω(T^-3) lower bound for randomly initialized gradient flow in the over-parameterization setting. These two bounds jointly give an exact characterization of the convergence rate and imply, for the first time, that over-parameterization can exponentially slow down the convergence rate. To prove the global convergence, we need to tackle the interactions among student neurons in the gradient descent dynamics, which are not present in the exact-parameterization case. We use a three-phase structure to analyze GD's dynamics. Along the way, we prove gradient descent automatically balances student neurons, and use this property to deal with the non-smoothness of the objective function. To prove the convergence rate lower bound, we construct a novel potential function that characterizes the pairwise distances between the student neurons (which cannot be done in the exact-parameterization case). We show this potential function converges slowly, which implies the slow convergence rate of the loss function.


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