Optimal Linear Subspace Search: Learning to Construct Fast and High-Quality Schedulers for Diffusion Models

by   Zhongjie Duan, et al.

In recent years, diffusion models have become the most popular and powerful methods in the field of image synthesis, even rivaling human artists in artistic creativity. However, the key issue currently limiting the application of diffusion models is its extremely slow generation process. Although several methods were proposed to speed up the generation process, there still exists a trade-off between efficiency and quality. In this paper, we first provide a detailed theoretical and empirical analysis of the generation process of the diffusion models based on schedulers. We transform the designing problem of schedulers into the determination of several parameters, and further transform the accelerated generation process into an expansion process of the linear subspace. Based on these analyses, we consequently propose a novel method called Optimal Linear Subspace Search (OLSS), which accelerates the generation process by searching for the optimal approximation process of the complete generation process in the linear subspaces spanned by latent variables. OLSS is able to generate high-quality images with a very small number of steps. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we conduct extensive comparative experiments on open-source diffusion models. Experimental results show that with a given number of steps, OLSS can significantly improve the quality of generated images. Using an NVIDIA A100 GPU, we make it possible to generate a high-quality image by Stable Diffusion within only one second without other optimization techniques.


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