On the Compatibility between a Neural Network and a Partial Differential Equation for Physics-informed Learning

by   Kuangdai Leng, et al.

We shed light on a pitfall and an opportunity in physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). We prove that a multilayer perceptron (MLP) only with ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) or ReLU-like Lipschitz activation functions will always lead to a vanished Hessian. Such a network-imposed constraint contradicts any second- or higher-order partial differential equations (PDEs). Therefore, a ReLU-based MLP cannot form a permissible function space for the approximation of their solutions. Inspired by this pitfall, we prove that a linear PDE up to the n-th order can be strictly satisfied by an MLP with C^n activation functions when the weights of its output layer lie on a certain hyperplane, as called the out-layer-hyperplane. An MLP equipped with the out-layer-hyperplane becomes "physics-enforced", no longer requiring a loss function for the PDE itself (but only those for the initial and boundary conditions). Such a hyperplane exists not only for MLPs but for any network architecture tailed by a fully-connected hidden layer. To our knowledge, this should be the first PINN architecture that enforces point-wise correctness of a PDE. We give the closed-form expression of the out-layer-hyperplane for second-order linear PDEs and provide an implementation.


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