On some neural network architectures that can represent viscosity solutions of certain high dimensional Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equations

by   Jérôme Darbon, et al.

We propose novel connection between several neural network architectures and viscosity solutions of some Hamilton–Jacobi (HJ) partial differential equations (PDEs) whose Hamiltonian is convex and only depends on the spatial gradient of the solution. To be specific, we prove that under certain assumptions, the two neural network architectures we proposed represent viscosity solutions to two sets of HJ PDEs with zero error. We also implement our proposed neural network architectures using Tensorflow and provide several examples and illustrations. Note that these neural network representations can avoid curve of dimensionality for certain HJ PDEs, since they do not involve grid or discretization. Our results suggest that efficient dedicated hardware implementation for neural networks can be leveraged to evaluate viscosity solutions of certain HJ PDEs.


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