Novel Categories Discovery from probability matrix perspective

by   Zahid Hasan, et al.

Novel Categories Discovery (NCD) tackles the open-world problem of classifying known and clustering novel categories based on the class semantics using partial class space annotated data. Unlike traditional pseudo-label and retraining, we investigate NCD from the novel data probability matrix perspective. We leverage the connection between NCD novel data sampling with provided novel class Multinoulli (categorical) distribution and hypothesize to implicitly achieve semantic-based novel data clustering by learning their class distribution. We propose novel constraints on first-order (mean) and second-order (covariance) statistics of probability matrix features while applying instance-wise information constraints. In particular, we align the neuron distribution (activation patterns) under a large batch of Monte-Carlo novel data sampling by matching their empirical features mean and covariance with the provided Multinoulli-distribution. Simultaneously, we minimize entropy and enforce prediction consistency for each instance. Our simple approach successfully realizes semantic-based novel data clustering provided the semantic similarity between label-unlabeled classes. We demonstrate the discriminative capacity of our approaches in image and video modalities. Moreover, we perform extensive ablation studies regarding data, networks, and our framework components to provide better insights. Our approach maintains  94  90 UCF101, and MPSC-ARL datasets that matches state-of-the-art approaches without any external clustering.


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