Neuron Sensitivity Guided Test Case Selection for Deep Learning Testing

by   Dong Huang, et al.

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been widely deployed in software to address various tasks (e.g., autonomous driving, medical diagnosis). However, they could also produce incorrect behaviors that result in financial losses and even threaten human safety. To reveal the incorrect behaviors in DNN and repair them, DNN developers often collect rich unlabeled datasets from the natural world and label them to test the DNN models. However, properly labeling a large number of unlabeled datasets is a highly expensive and time-consuming task. To address the above-mentioned problem, we propose NSS, Neuron Sensitivity guided test case Selection, which can reduce the labeling time by selecting valuable test cases from unlabeled datasets. NSS leverages the internal neuron's information induced by test cases to select valuable test cases, which have high confidence in causing the model to behave incorrectly. We evaluate NSS with four widely used datasets and four well-designed DNN models compared to SOTA baseline methods. The results show that NSS performs well in assessing the test cases' probability of fault triggering and model improvement capabilities. Specifically, compared with baseline approaches, NSS obtains a higher fault detection rate (e.g., when selecting 5% test case from the unlabeled dataset in MNIST & LeNet1 experiment, NSS can obtain 81.8% fault detection rate, 20% higher than baselines).


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