Morphological Skip-Gram: Using morphological knowledge to improve word representation

by   Flávio Santos, et al.

Natural language processing models have attracted much interest in the deep learning community. This branch of study is composed of some applications such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, question and answer, and others. Word embeddings are continuous word representations, they are an essential module for those applications and are generally used as input word representation to the deep learning models. Word2Vec and GloVe are two popular methods to learn word embeddings. They achieve good word representations, however, they learn representations with limited information because they ignore the morphological information of the words and consider only one representation vector for each word. This approach implies that Word2Vec and GloVe are unaware of the word inner structure. To mitigate this problem, the FastText model represents each word as a bag of characters n-grams. Hence, each n-gram has a continuous vector representation, and the final word representation is the sum of its characters n-grams vectors. Nevertheless, the use of all n-grams character of a word is a poor approach since some n-grams have no semantic relation with their words and increase the amount of potentially useless information. This approach also increases the training phase time. In this work, we propose a new method for training word embeddings, and its goal is to replace the FastText bag of character n-grams for a bag of word morphemes through the morphological analysis of the word. Thus, words with similar context and morphemes are represented by vectors close to each other. To evaluate our new approach, we performed intrinsic evaluations considering 15 different tasks, and the results show a competitive performance compared to FastText.


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