MLOps: A Step Forward to Enterprise Machine Learning

by   A. I. Ullah Tabassam, et al.

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is becoming a highly crucial part of businesses looking to capitalize on the benefits of AI and ML models. This research presents a detailed review of MLOps, its benefits, difficulties, evolutions, and important underlying technologies such as MLOps frameworks, Docker, GitHub actions, and Kubernetes. The MLOps workflow, which includes model design, deployment, and operations, is explained in detail along with the various tools necessary for both model and data exploration and deployment. This article also puts light on the end-to-end production of ML projects using various maturity levels of automated pipelines, with the least at no automation at all and the highest with complete CI/CD and CT capabilities. Furthermore, a detailed example of an enterprise-level MLOps project for an object detection service is used to explain the workflow of the technology in a real-world scenario. For this purpose, a web application hosting a pre-trained model from TensorFlow 2 Model Zoo is packaged and deployed to the internet making sure that the system is scalable, reliable, and optimized for deployment at an enterprise level.


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