Mallat Scattering Transformation based surrogate for MagnetoHydroDynamics

by   Michael E. Glinsky, et al.

A Machine and Deep Learning methodology is developed and applied to give a high fidelity, fast surrogate for 2D resistive MHD simulations of MagLIF implosions. The resistive MHD code GORGON is used to generate an ensemble of implosions with different liner aspect ratios, initial gas preheat temperatures (that is, different adiabats), and different liner perturbations. The liner density and magnetic field as functions of x, y, and t were generated. The Mallat Scattering Transformation (MST) is taken of the logarithm of both fields and a Principal Components Analysis is done on the logarithm of the MST of both fields. The fields are projected onto the PCA vectors and a small number of these PCA vector components are kept. Singular Value Decompositions of the cross correlation of the input parameters to the output logarithm of the MST of the fields, and of the cross correlation of the SVD vector components to the PCA vector components are done. This allows the identification of the PCA vectors vis-a-vis the input parameters. Finally, a Multi Layer Perceptron neural network with ReLU activation and a simple three layer encoder/decoder architecture is trained on this dataset to predict the PCA vector components of the fields as a function of time. Details of the implosion, stagnation, and the disassembly are well captured. Examination of the PCA vectors and a permutation importance analysis of the MLP show definitive evidence of an inverse turbulent cascade into a dipole emergent behavior. The orientation of the dipole is set by the initial liner perturbation. The analysis is repeated with a version of the MST which includes phase, called Wavelet Phase Harmonics (WPH). While WPH do not give the physical insight of the MST, they can and are inverted to give field configurations as a function of time, including field-to-field correlations.


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