Interpreting the Syntactic and Social Elements of the Tweet Representations via Elementary Property Prediction Tasks

by   J Ganesh, et al.

Research in social media analysis is experiencing a recent surge with a large number of works applying representation learning models to solve high-level syntactico-semantic tasks such as sentiment analysis, semantic textual similarity computation, hashtag prediction and so on. Although the performance of the representation learning models are better than the traditional baselines for the tasks, little is known about the core properties of a tweet encoded within the representations. Understanding these core properties would empower us in making generalizable conclusions about the quality of representations. Our work presented here constitutes the first step in opening the black-box of vector embedding for social media posts, with emphasis on tweets in particular. In order to understand the core properties encoded in a tweet representation, we evaluate the representations to estimate the extent to which it can model each of those properties such as tweet length, presence of words, hashtags, mentions, capitalization, and so on. This is done with the help of multiple classifiers which take the representation as input. Essentially, each classifier evaluates one of the syntactic or social properties which are arguably salient for a tweet. This is also the first holistic study on extensively analysing the ability to encode these properties for a wide variety of tweet representation models including the traditional unsupervised methods (BOW, LDA), unsupervised representation learning methods (Siamese CBOW, Tweet2Vec) as well as supervised methods (CNN, BLSTM).


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