Implementation of Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Multi-class Categorical Image Classification

by   Pushparaja Murugan, et al.

Convolutional Neural Networks has been implemented in many complex machine learning takes such as image classification, object identification, autonomous vehicle and robotic vision tasks. However, ConvNet architecture efficiency and accuracy depend on a large number of fac- tors. Also, the complex architecture requires a significant amount of data to train and involves with a large number of hyperparameters that increases the computational expenses and difficul- ties. Hence, it is necessary to address the limitations and techniques to overcome the barriers to ensure that the architecture performs well in complex visual tasks. This article is intended to develop an efficient ConvNet architecture for multi-class image categorical classification applica- tion. In the development of the architecture, large pool of grey scale images are taken as input information images and split into training and test datasets. The numerously available technique is implemented to reduce the overfitting and poor generalization of the network. The hyperpa- rameters of determined by Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Process prior algorithm. ReLu non-linear activation function is implemented after the convolutional layers. Max pooling op- eration is carried out to downsampling the data points in pooling layers. Cross-entropy loss function is used to measure the performance of the architecture where the softmax is used in the classification layer. Mini-batch gradient descent with Adam optimizer algorithm is used for backpropagation. Developed architecture is validated with confusion matrix and classification report.


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