Image-to-Image MLP-mixer for Image Reconstruction

by   Youssef Mansour, et al.

Neural networks are highly effective tools for image reconstruction problems such as denoising and compressive sensing. To date, neural networks for image reconstruction are almost exclusively convolutional. The most popular architecture is the U-Net, a convolutional network with a multi-resolution architecture. In this work, we show that a simple network based on the multi-layer perceptron (MLP)-mixer enables state-of-the art image reconstruction performance without convolutions and without a multi-resolution architecture, provided that the training set and the size of the network are moderately large. Similar to the original MLP-mixer, the image-to-image MLP-mixer is based exclusively on MLPs operating on linearly-transformed image patches. Contrary to the original MLP-mixer, we incorporate structure by retaining the relative positions of the image patches. This imposes an inductive bias towards natural images which enables the image-to-image MLP-mixer to learn to denoise images based on fewer examples than the original MLP-mixer. Moreover, the image-to-image MLP-mixer requires fewer parameters to achieve the same denoising performance than the U-Net and its parameters scale linearly in the image resolution instead of quadratically as for the original MLP-mixer. If trained on a moderate amount of examples for denoising, the image-to-image MLP-mixer outperforms the U-Net by a slight margin. It also outperforms the vision transformer tailored for image reconstruction and classical un-trained methods such as BM3D, making it a very effective tool for image reconstruction problems.


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