Human-Guided Planning for Complex Manipulation Tasks Using the Screw Geometry of Motion

by   Dasharadhan Mahalingam, et al.

In this paper, we present a novel method for motion planning for performing complex manipulation tasks by using human demonstration and exploiting the screw geometry of motion. We consider complex manipulation tasks where there are constraints on the motion of the end effector of the robot. Examples of such tasks include opening a door, opening a drawer, transferring granular material from one container to another with a spoon, and loading dishes to a dishwasher. Our approach consists of two steps: First, using the fact that a motion in the task space of the robot can be approximated by using a sequence of constant screw motions, we segment a human demonstration into a sequence of constant screw motions. Second, we use the segmented screws to generate motion plans via screw-linear interpolation for other instances of the same task. The use of screw segmentation allows us to capture the invariants of the demonstrations in a coordinate-free fashion, thus allowing us to plan for different task instances from just one example. We present extensive experimental results on a variety of manipulation scenarios showing that our method can be used across a wide range of manipulation tasks.


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