How Generalizable are Deepfake Detectors? An Empirical Study

by   Boquan Li, et al.

Deepfake videos and images are becoming increasingly credible, posing a significant threat given their potential to facilitate fraud or bypass access control systems. This has motivated the development of deepfake detection methods, in which deep learning models are trained to distinguish between real and synthesized footage. Unfortunately, existing detection models struggle to generalize to deepfakes from datasets they were not trained on, but little work has been done to examine why or how this limitation can be addressed. In this paper, we present the first empirical study on the generalizability of deepfake detectors, an essential goal for detectors to stay one step ahead of attackers. Our study utilizes six deepfake datasets, five deepfake detection methods, and two model augmentation approaches, confirming that detectors do not generalize in zero-shot settings. Additionally, we find that detectors are learning unwanted properties specific to synthesis methods and struggling to extract discriminative features, limiting their ability to generalize. Finally, we find that there are neurons universally contributing to detection across seen and unseen datasets, illuminating a possible path forward to zero-shot generalizability.


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