Generating Features with Increased Crop-related Diversity for Few-Shot Object Detection

by   Jingyi Xu, et al.

Two-stage object detectors generate object proposals and classify them to detect objects in images. These proposals often do not contain the objects perfectly but overlap with them in many possible ways, exhibiting great variability in the difficulty levels of the proposals. Training a robust classifier against this crop-related variability requires abundant training data, which is not available in few-shot settings. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel variational autoencoder (VAE) based data generation model, which is capable of generating data with increased crop-related diversity. The main idea is to transform the latent space such latent codes with different norms represent different crop-related variations. This allows us to generate features with increased crop-related diversity in difficulty levels by simply varying the latent norm. In particular, each latent code is rescaled such that its norm linearly correlates with the IoU score of the input crop w.r.t. the ground-truth box. Here the IoU score is a proxy that represents the difficulty level of the crop. We train this VAE model on base classes conditioned on the semantic code of each class and then use the trained model to generate features for novel classes. In our experiments our generated features consistently improve state-of-the-art few-shot object detection methods on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets.


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