Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection: Generalization and Efficiency
We study the problem of fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) under unknown PA materials not seen during PAD training. A dataset of 5,743 bonafide and 4,912 PA images of 12 different materials is used to evaluate a state-of-the-art PAD, namely Fingerprint Spoof Buster. We utilize 3D t-SNE visualization and clustering of material characteristics to identify a representative set of PA materials that cover most of PA feature space. We observe that a set of six PA materials, namely Silicone, 2D Paper, Play Doh, Gelatin, Latex Body Paint and Monster Liquid Latex provide a good representative set that should be included in training to achieve generalization of PAD. We also propose an optimized Android app of Fingerprint Spoof Buster that can run on a commodity smartphone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 4) without a significant drop in PAD performance (from TDR = 95.7 = 0.2