FAtiMA Toolkit – Toward an effective and accessible tool for the development of intelligent virtual agents and social robots

by   Samuel Mascarenhas, et al.

More than a decade has passed since the development of FearNot!, an application designed to help children deal with bullying through role-playing with virtual characters. It was also the application that led to the creation of FAtiMA, an affective agent architecture for creating autonomous characters that can evoke empathic responses. In this paper, we describe FAtiMA Toolkit, a collection of open-source tools that is designed to help researchers, game developers and roboticists incorporate a computational model of emotion and decision-making in their work. The toolkit was developed with the goal of making FAtiMA more accessible, easier to incorporate into different projects and more flexible in its capabilities for human-agent interaction, based upon the experience gathered over the years across different virtual environments and human-robot interaction scenarios. As a result, this work makes several different contributions to the field of Agent-Based Architectures. More precisely, FAtiMA Toolkit's library based design allows developers to easily integrate it with other frameworks, its meta-cognitive model affords different internal reasoners and affective components and its explicit dialogue structure gives control to the author even within highly complex scenarios. To demonstrate the use of FAtiMA Toolkit, several different use cases where the toolkit was successfully applied are described and discussed.


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