Fast and Accurate Deep Loop Closing and Relocalization for Reliable LiDAR SLAM

by   Chenghao Shi, et al.

Loop closing and relocalization are crucial techniques to establish reliable and robust long-term SLAM by addressing pose estimation drift and degeneration. This article begins by formulating loop closing and relocalization within a unified framework. Then, we propose a novel multi-head network LCR-Net to tackle both tasks effectively. It exploits novel feature extraction and pose-aware attention mechanism to precisely estimate similarities and 6-DoF poses between pairs of LiDAR scans. In the end, we integrate our LCR-Net into a SLAM system and achieve robust and accurate online LiDAR SLAM in outdoor driving environments. We thoroughly evaluate our LCR-Net through three setups derived from loop closing and relocalization, including candidate retrieval, closed-loop point cloud registration, and continuous relocalization using multiple datasets. The results demonstrate that LCR-Net excels in all three tasks, surpassing the state-of-the-art methods and exhibiting a remarkable generalization ability. Notably, our LCR-Net outperforms baseline methods without using a time-consuming robust pose estimator, rendering it suitable for online SLAM applications. To our best knowledge, the integration of LCR-Net yields the first LiDAR SLAM with the capability of deep loop closing and relocalization. The implementation of our methods will be made open-source.


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