FaSS-MVS – Fast Multi-View Stereo with Surface-Aware Semi-Global Matching from UAV-borne Monocular Imagery

by   Boitumelo Ruf, et al.

With FaSS-MVS, we present an approach for fast multi-view stereo with surface-aware Semi-Global Matching that allows for rapid depth and normal map estimation from monocular aerial video data captured by UAVs. The data estimated by FaSS-MVS, in turn, facilitates online 3D mapping, meaning that a 3D map of the scene is immediately and incrementally generated while the image data is acquired or being received. FaSS-MVS is comprised of a hierarchical processing scheme in which depth and normal data, as well as corresponding confidence scores, are estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner, allowing to efficiently process large scene depths which are inherent to oblique imagery captured by low-flying UAVs. The actual depth estimation employs a plane-sweep algorithm for dense multi-image matching to produce depth hypotheses from which the actual depth map is extracted by means of a surface-aware semi-global optimization, reducing the fronto-parallel bias of SGM. Given the estimated depth map, the pixel-wise surface normal information is then computed by reprojecting the depth map into a point cloud and calculating the normal vectors within a confined local neighborhood. In a thorough quantitative and ablative study we show that the accuracies of the 3D information calculated by FaSS-MVS is close to that of state-of-the-art approaches for offline multi-view stereo, with the error not even being one magnitude higher than that of COLMAP. At the same time, however, the average run-time of FaSS-MVS to estimate a single depth and normal map is less than 14 perform an online and incremental processing of Full-HD imagery at 1-2 Hz.


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