Equivalence Between SE(3) Equivariant Networks via Steerable Kernels and Group Convolution

by   Adrien Poulenard, et al.

A wide range of techniques have been proposed in recent years for designing neural networks for 3D data that are equivariant under rotation and translation of the input. Most approaches for equivariance under the Euclidean group SE(3) of rotations and translations fall within one of the two major categories. The first category consists of methods that use SE(3)-convolution which generalizes classical ℝ^3-convolution on signals over SE(3). Alternatively, it is possible to use steerable convolution which achieves SE(3)-equivariance by imposing constraints on ℝ^3-convolution of tensor fields. It is known by specialists in the field that the two approaches are equivalent, with steerable convolution being the Fourier transform of SE(3) convolution. Unfortunately, these results are not widely known and moreover the exact relations between deep learning architectures built upon these two approaches have not been precisely described in the literature on equivariant deep learning. In this work we provide an in-depth analysis of both methods and their equivalence and relate the two constructions to multiview convolutional networks. Furthermore, we provide theoretical justifications of separability of SE(3) group convolution, which explain the applicability and success of some recent approaches. Finally, we express different methods using a single coherent formalism and provide explicit formulas that relate the kernels learned by different methods. In this way, our work helps to unify different previously-proposed techniques for achieving roto-translational equivariance, and helps to shed light on both the utility and precise differences between various alternatives. We also derive new TFN non-linearities from our equivalence principle and test them on practical benchmark datasets.


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