EgoSchema: A Diagnostic Benchmark for Very Long-form Video Language Understanding

by   Karttikeya Mangalam, et al.

We introduce EgoSchema, a very long-form video question-answering dataset, and benchmark to evaluate long video understanding capabilities of modern vision and language systems. Derived from Ego4D, EgoSchema consists of over 5000 human curated multiple choice question answer pairs, spanning over 250 hours of real video data, covering a very broad range of natural human activity and behavior. For each question, EgoSchema requires the correct answer to be selected between five given options based on a three-minute-long video clip. While some prior works have proposed video datasets with long clip lengths, we posit that merely the length of the video clip does not truly capture the temporal difficulty of the video task that is being considered. To remedy this, we introduce temporal certificate sets, a general notion for capturing the intrinsic temporal understanding length associated with a broad range of video understanding tasks datasets. Based on this metric, we find EgoSchema to have intrinsic temporal lengths over 5.7x longer than the second closest dataset and 10x to 100x longer than any other video understanding dataset. Further, our evaluation of several current state-of-the-art video and language models shows them to be severely lacking in long-term video understanding capabilities. Even models with several billions of parameters achieve QA accuracy less than 33 (random is 20 humans achieve about 76 intrinsic temporal structures and diverse complexity, would serve as a valuable evaluation probe for developing effective long-term video understanding systems in the future. Data and Zero-shot model evaluation code are open-sourced for both public and commercial use under the Ego4D license at


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