Efficient Traffic-Sign Recognition with Scale-aware CNN
The paper presents a Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) system, which can fast and accurately recognize traffic signs of different sizes in images. The system consists of two well-designed Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), one for region proposals of traffic signs and one for classification of each region. In the proposal CNN, a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) with a dual multi-scale architecture is proposed to achieve scale invariant detection. In training the proposal network, a modified "Online Hard Example Mining" (OHEM) scheme is adopted to suppress false positives. The classification network fuses multi-scale features as representation and adopts an "Inception" module for efficiency. We evaluate the proposed TSR system and its components with extensive experiments. Our method obtains 99.88% precision and 96.61% recall on the Swedish Traffic Signs Dataset (STSD), higher than state-of-the-art methods. Besides, our system is faster and more lightweight than state-of-the-art deep learning networks for traffic sign recognition.