Dynamic Mode Decomposition for data-driven analysis and reduced-order modelling of ExB plasmas: I. Extraction of spatiotemporally coherent patterns

by   Farbod Faraji, et al.

In this two-part article, we evaluate the utility and the generalizability of the Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) algorithm for data-driven analysis and reduced-order modelling of plasma dynamics in cross-field ExB configurations. The DMD algorithm is an interpretable data-driven method that finds a best-fit linear model describing the time evolution of spatiotemporally coherent structures (patterns) in data. We have applied the DMD to extensive high-fidelity datasets generated using a particle-in-cell (PIC) code based on a cost-efficient reduced-order PIC scheme. In this part, we first provide an overview of the concept of DMD and its underpinning Proper Orthogonal and Singular Value Decomposition methods. Two of the main DMD variants are next introduced. We then present and discuss the results of the DMD application in terms of the identification and extraction of the dominant spatiotemporal modes from high-fidelity data over a range of simulation conditions. We demonstrate that the DMD variant based on variable projection optimization (OPT-DMD) outperforms the basic DMD method in identification of the modes underlying the data, leading to notably more reliable reconstruction of the ground-truth. Furthermore, we show in multiple test cases that the discrete frequency spectrum of OPT-DMD-extracted modes is consistent with the temporal spectrum from the Fast Fourier Transform of the data. This observation implies that the OPT-DMD augments the conventional spectral analyses by being able to uniquely reveal the spatial structure of the dominant modes in the frequency spectra, thus, yielding more accessible, comprehensive information on the spatiotemporal characteristics of the plasma phenomena.


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