Changes in mobility patterns in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: Novel insights using open source data

by   Anna Sigridur Islind, et al.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we act, interact and move around in the world. The pandemic triggered a worldwide health crisis that has been tackled using a variety of strategies across Europe. Whereas some countries have taken strict measures, others have avoided lock-downs altogether. In this paper, we report on findings obtained by combining data from different publicly available sources in order to shed light on the changes in mobility patterns in Europe during the pandemic. Using that data, we show that mobility patterns have changed in different counties depending on the strategies they adopted during the pandemic. Our data shows that the majority of European citizens walked less during the lock-downs, and that, even though flights were less frequent, driving increased drastically. In this paper, we focus on data for a number of countries, for which we have also developed a dashboard that can be used by other researchers for further analyses. Our work shows the importance of granularity in open source data and how such data can be used to shed light on the effects of the pandemic.


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