Beyond invariant representation learning: linearly alignable latent spaces for efficient closed-form domain adaptation

by   Oliver Struckmeier, et al.

Optimal transport (OT) is a powerful geometric tool used to compare and align probability measures following the least effort principle. Among many successful applications of OT in machine learning (ML), domain adaptation (DA) – a field of study where the goal is to transfer a classifier from one labelled domain to another similar, yet different unlabelled or scarcely labelled domain – has been historically among the most investigated ones. This success is due to the ability of OT to provide both a meaningful discrepancy measure to assess the similarity of two domains' distributions and a mapping that can project source domain data onto the target one. In this paper, we propose a principally new OT-based approach applied to DA that uses the closed-form solution of the OT problem given by an affine mapping and learns an embedding space for which this solution is optimal and computationally less complex. We show that our approach works in both homogeneous and heterogeneous DA settings and outperforms or is on par with other famous baselines based on both traditional OT and OT in incomparable spaces. Furthermore, we show that our proposed method vastly reduces computational complexity.


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