Bayesian NVH metamodels to assess interior cabin noise using measurement databases

by   V. Prakash, et al.

In recent years, a great emphasis has been put on engineering the acoustic signature of vehicles that represents the overall comfort level for passengers. Due to highly uncertain behavior of production cars, probabilistic metamodels or surrogates can be useful to estimate the NVH dispersion and assess different NVH risks. These metamodels follow physical behaviors and shall aid as a design space exploration tool during the early stage design process to support the NVH optimization. The measurement databases constitute different noise paths such as aerodynamic noise (wind-tunnel test), tire-pavement interaction noise (rolling noise), and noise due to electric motors (whining noise). This research work proposes a global NVH metamodeling technique for broadband noises such as aerodynamic and rolling noises exploiting the Bayesian framework that takes into account the prior (domain-expert) knowledge about complex physical mechanisms. Generalized additive models (GAMs) with polynomials and Gaussian basis functions are used to model the dependency of sound pressure level (SPL) on predictor variables. Moreover, parametric bootstrap algorithm based on data-generating mechanism using the point estimates is used to estimate the dispersion in unknown parameters. Probabilistic modelling is carried out using an open-source library PyMC3 that utilizes No-U-Turn sampler (NUTS) and the developed models are validated using Cross-Validation technique.


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