AXI-Pack: Near-Memory Bus Packing for Bandwidth-Efficient Irregular Workloads
Data-intensive applications involving irregular memory streams are inefficiently handled by modern processors and memory systems highly optimized for regular, contiguous data. Recent work tackles these inefficiencies in hardware through core-side stream extensions or memory-side prefetchers and accelerators, but fails to provide end-to-end solutions which also achieve high efficiency in on-chip interconnects. We propose AXI-Pack, an extension to ARM's AXI4 protocol introducing bandwidth-efficient strided and indirect bursts to enable end-to-end irregular streams. AXI-Pack adds irregular stream semantics to memory requests and avoids inefficient narrow-bus transfers by packing multiple narrow data elements onto a wide bus. It retains full compatibility with AXI4 and does not require modifications to non-burst-reshaping interconnect IPs. To demonstrate our approach end-to-end, we extend an open-source RISC-V vector processor to leverage AXI-Pack at its memory interface for strided and indexed accesses. On the memory side, we design a banked memory controller efficiently handling AXI-Pack requests. On a system with a 256-bit-wide interconnect running FP32 workloads, AXI-Pack achieves near-ideal peak on-chip bus utilizations of 87 2.4x, and energy efficiency improvements of 5.3x and 2.1x over a baseline using an AXI4 bus on strided and indirect benchmarks, respectively.