Automatic surface mesh generation for discrete models: A complete and automatic pipeline based on reparameterization

Triangulations are an ubiquitous input for the finite element community. However, most raw triangulations obtained by imaging techniques are unsuitable as-is for finite element analysis. In this paper, we give a robust pipeline for handling those triangulations, based on the computation of a one-to-one parametrization for automatically selected patches of input triangles, which makes each patch amenable to remeshing by standard finite element meshing algorithms. Using only geometrical arguments, we prove that a discrete parametrization of a patch is one-to-one if (and only if) its image in the parameter space is such that all parametric triangles have a positive area. We then derive a non-standard linear discretization scheme based on mean value coordinates to compute such one-to-one parametrizations, and show that the scheme does not discretize a Laplacian on a structured mesh. The proposed pipeline is implemented in the open source mesh generator Gmsh, where the creation of suitable patches is based on triangulation topology and parametrization quality, combined with feature edge detection. Several examples illustrate the robustness of the resulting implementation.


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