An Unbiased Predictor for Skewed Response Variable with Measurement Error in Covariate

by   Sepideh Mosaferi, et al.

We introduce a new small area predictor when the Fay-Herriot normal error model is fitted to a logarithmically transformed response variable, and the covariate is measured with error. This framework has been previously studied by Mosaferi et al. (2023). The empirical predictor given in their manuscript cannot perform uniformly better than the direct estimator. Our proposed predictor in this manuscript is unbiased and can perform uniformly better than the one proposed in Mosaferi et al. (2023). We derive an approximation of the mean squared error (MSE) for the predictor. The prediction intervals based on the MSE suffer from coverage problems. Thus, we propose a non-parametric bootstrap prediction interval which is more accurate. This problem is of great interest in small area applications since statistical agencies and agricultural surveys are often asked to produce estimates of right skewed variables with covariates measured with errors. With Monte Carlo simulation studies and two Census Bureau's data sets, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposed methodology.


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