An Improved Text Sentiment Classification Model Using TF-IDF and Next Word Negation

by   Bijoyan Das, et al.

With the rapid growth of Text sentiment analysis, the demand for automatic classification of electronic documents has increased by leaps and bound. The paradigm of text classification or text mining has been the subject of many research works in recent time. In this paper we propose a technique for text sentiment classification using term frequency- inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) along with Next Word Negation (NWN). We have also compared the performances of binary bag of words model, TF-IDF model and TF-IDF with next word negation (TF-IDF-NWN) model for text classification. Our proposed model is then applied on three different text mining algorithms and we found the Linear Support vector machine (LSVM) is the most appropriate to work with our proposed model. The achieved results show significant increase in accuracy compared to earlier methods.


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