An Empirical Study on Fertility Proposals Using Multi-Grained Topic Analysis Methods

by   Yulin Zhou, et al.

Fertility issues are closely related to population security, in 60 years China's population for the first time in a negative growth trend, the change of fertility policy is of great concern to the community. 2023 "two sessions" proposal "suggests that the country in the form of legislation, the birth of the registration of the cancellation of the marriage restriction" This topic was once a hot topic on the Internet, and "unbundling" the relationship between birth registration and marriage has become the focus of social debate. In this paper, we adopt co-occurrence semantic analysis, topic analysis and sentiment analysis to conduct multi-granularity semantic analysis of microblog comments. It is found that the discussion on the proposal of "removing marriage restrictions from birth registration" involves the individual, society and the state at three dimensions, and is detailed into social issues such as personal behaviour, social ethics and law, and national policy, with people's sentiment inclined to be negative in most of the topics. Based on this, eight proposals were made to provide a reference for governmental decision making and to form a reference method for researching public opinion on political issues.


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