Acceleration for Timing-Aware Gate-Level Logic Simulation with One-Pass GPU Parallelism

by   Weijie Fang, et al.

Witnessing the advancing scale and complexity of chip design and benefiting from high-performance computation technologies, the simulation of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Circuits imposes an increasing requirement for acceleration through parallel computing with GPU devices. However, the conventional parallel strategies do not fully align with modern GPU abilities, leading to new challenges in the parallelism of VLSI simulation when using GPU, despite some previous successful demonstrations of significant acceleration. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to accelerate 4-value logic timing-aware gate-level logic simulation using waveform-based GPU parallelism. Our approach utilizes a new strategy that can effectively handle the dependency between tasks during the parallelism, reducing the synchronization requirement between CPU and GPU when parallelizing the simulation on combinational circuits. This approach requires only one round of data transfer and hence achieves one-pass parallelism. Moreover, to overcome the difficulty within the adoption of our strategy in GPU devices, we design a series of data structures and tune them to dynamically allocate and store new-generated output with uncertain scale. Finally, experiments are carried out on industrial-scale open-source benchmarks to demonstrate the performance gain of our approach compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.


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