A New Approach: Cognitive Multi-Level Authentication (CMLA) in Nuclear Command and Control

by   Aysha Shabbir, et al.

Nuclear monitoring must considered as high precedence against national security. Now with the increasing nuclear threats it is crucial to ensure that malicious entity never procure nuclear warheads. Which comprises the prevention of illegal or terrorist access to nuclear weapons. The disastrous damage that could be the consequence of unauthorized unapproved utilization of nuclear weapon and from the expansion of nuclear technologies to unacceptable states has driven the nuclear forces to spend epic measures of securing nuclear warheads as well as the supporting materials infrastructure and industries. The procedure of ratifying users credentials is known as authentication. Cognitive based authentication is a type of authentication that is actually the amalgamation of neuron biological and psychological techniques. This research is intended to provide human inspired Cognitive Multi-level Authentication utilizing the extensive quantum processing capabilities. Simulation is being done on online Q U V I S quantum simulator using quantum cryptography B B 8 4 algorithm where the intended person is successfully authenticated while considering different scenarios. So the proposed scheme will come up with self learning intellect based secure speedy and reliable authentication systems against nuclear command and control.


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