A Lightweight ISA Extension for AES and SM4

We describe a lightweight RISC-V ISA extension for AES and SM4 block ciphers. Sixteen instructions (and a subkey load) is required to implement an AES round with the extension, instead of 80 without. An SM4 step (quarter-round) has 6.5 arithmetic instructions, a similar reduction. Perhaps even more importantly the ISA extension helps to eliminate slow, secret-dependent table lookups and to protect against cache timing side-channel attacks. Having only one S-box, the extension has a minimal hardware size and is well suited for ultra-low power applications. AES and SM4 implementations using the ISA extension also have a much-reduced software footprint. The AES and SM4 instances can share the same data paths but are independent in the sense that a chip designer can implement SM4 without AES and vice versa. Full AES and SM4 assembler listings, HDL source code for instruction's combinatorial logic, and C code for emulation is provided to the community under a permissive open source license. The implementation contains depth- and size-optimized joint AES and SM4 S-Box logic based on the Boyar-Peralta construction with a shared non-linear middle layer, demonstrating additional avenues for logic optimization. The instruction logic has been experimentally integrated into the single-cycle execution path of the “Pluto” RV32 core and has been tested on an FPGA.


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