A Hybrid Evolutionary System for Automated Artificial Neural Networks Generation and Simplification in Biomedical Applications

Data mining and data classification over biomedical data are two of the most important research fields in computer science. Among the great diversity of techniques that can be used for this purpose, Artifical Neural Networks (ANNs) is one of the most suited. One of the main problems in the development of this technique is the slow performance of the full process. Traditionally, in this development process, human experts are needed to experiment with different architectural procedures until they find the one that presents the correct results for solving a specific problem. However, many studies have emerged in which different ANN developmental techniques, more or less automated, are described. In this paper, the authors have focused on developing a new technique to perform this process over biomedical data. The new technique is described in which two Evolutionary Computation (EC) techniques are mixed to automatically develop ANNs. These techniques are Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming. The work goes further, and the system described here allows to obtain simplified networks with a low number of neurons to resolve the problems. The system is compared with the already existent system which also uses EC over a set of well-known problems. The conclusions reached from these comparisons indicate that this new system produces very good results, which in the worst case are at least comparable to existing techniques and in many cases are substantially better.


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