A Deep Recurrent-Reinforcement Learning Method for Intelligent AutoScaling of Serverless Functions

by   Siddharth Agarwal, et al.

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) introduces a lightweight, function-based cloud execution model that finds its relevance in applications like IoT-edge data processing and anomaly detection. While CSP offer a near-infinite function elasticity, these applications often experience fluctuating workloads and stricter performance constraints. A typical CSP strategy is to empirically determine and adjust desired function instances, "autoscaling", based on monitoring-based thresholds such as CPU or memory, to cope with demand and performance. However, threshold configuration either requires expert knowledge, historical data or a complete view of environment, making autoscaling a performance bottleneck lacking an adaptable solution.RL algorithms are proven to be beneficial in analysing complex cloud environments and result in an adaptable policy that maximizes the expected objectives. Most realistic cloud environments usually involve operational interference and have limited visibility, making them partially observable. A general solution to tackle observability in highly dynamic settings is to integrate Recurrent units with model-free RL algorithms and model a decision process as a POMDP. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate a model-free Recurrent RL agent for function autoscaling and compare it against the model-free Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) algorithm. We explore the integration of a LSTM network with the state-of-the-art PPO algorithm to find that under our experimental and evaluation settings, recurrent policies were able to capture the environment parameters and show promising results for function autoscaling. We further compare a PPO-based autoscaling agent with commercially used threshold-based function autoscaling and posit that a LSTM-based autoscaling agent is able to improve throughput by 18 function instances.


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