Generating images with both photorealism and multiview 3D consistency is...
This paper analyzes the inverse problem of deautoconvolution in the
Given a few seed entities of a certain type (e.g., Software or Programmi...
We present a novel one-shot talking head synthesis method that achieves
A key challenge for novel view synthesis of monocular portrait images is...
There is extensive mathematical literature on the inverse problem of
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a rare autoimmune disorder
Mobile and wearable devices have enabled numerous applications, includin...
Survival analysis is a technique to predict the times of specific outcom...
Automatic CT segmentation of proximal femur is crucial for the diagnosis...
In early 2020, the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic swept t...
Building automatic technical support system is an important yet challeng...
Answer retrieval is to find the most aligned answer from a large set of
Recently, deep learning based 3D face reconstruction methods have shown
The automatic development of phenotype algorithms from Electronic Health...
This article reviews recent advances in applying natural language proces...
In scenarios involving text classification where the number of classes i...