In the field of remote sensing, we often utilize oriented bounding boxes...
Deep neural networks for learning symmetric positive definite (SPD) matr...
Recently, prompt-based learning has become a very popular solution in ma...
The task of Compositional Zero-Shot Learning (CZSL) is to recognize imag...
Vehicular edge computing (VEC) is envisioned as a promising approach to
The Transformer architecture has achieved rapiddevelopment in recent yea...
Although occlusion widely exists in nature and remains a fundamental
The importance of wild video based image set recognition is becoming
Irregular scene text, which has complex layout in 2D space, is challengi...
3D face reconstruction is an important task in the field of computer vis...
This Research-to-Practice Work in Progress paper presents DCLab, a web-b...
In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning network L1-(2D)2PCANet f...
The random drift particle swarm optimization (RDPSO) algorithm, inspired...