Recommender systems (RS) play important roles to match users' informatio...
User Behavior Modeling (UBM) plays a critical role in user interest lear...
To better exploit search logs and model users' behavior patterns, numero...
The goal of recommender systems is to provide ordered item lists to user...
As a critical task for large-scale commercial recommender systems, reran...
Prediction over tabular data is an essential task in many data science
Fairness in recommendation has attracted increasing attention due to bia...
Modern information retrieval systems, including web search, ads placemen...
As recommender systems have become more widespread and moved into areas ...
Modeling the sequential correlation of users' historical interactions is...
User-generated item lists are popular on many platforms. Examples includ...
The problem of multi-armed bandits (MAB) asks to make sequential decisio...
The item cold-start problem seriously limits the recommendation performa...
Collaborative filtering, a widely-used recommendation technique, predict...
We introduce a new molecular dataset, named Alchemy, for developing mach...
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) achieve an impressive performance on struct...
Personalized recommendation brings about novel challenges in ensuring