In this paper, we address some of the key limitations to realizing a gen...
This paper introduces a novel approach to automatic ahead-of-time (AOT)
PGAS runtimes are well suited to irregular applications due to their sup...
Task-parallel programs often enjoy deadlock freedom under certain
Task graphs have been studied for decades as a foundation for scheduling...
Dynamically typed languages such as JavaScript and Python have emerged a...
Code similarity systems are integral to a range of applications from cod...
Xilinx's AI Engine is a recent industry example of energy-efficient vect...
The simplified parse tree (SPT) presented in Aroma, a state-of-the-art c...
The efficiency of a spatial DNN accelerator depends heavily on the compi...
The efficiency of a spatial DNN accelerator depends heavily on the compi...
We contribute a third-party survey of sparse matrix-vector (SpMV) produc...