Machine learning from explanations (MLX) is an approach to learning that...
Our goal is to improve reliability of Machine Learning (ML) systems depl...
Most deep learning research has focused on developing new model and trai...
Synthetic data is proliferating on the web and powering many advances in...
We consider the problem of training a classification model with group
In several real world applications, machine learning models are deployed...
Our goal is to evaluate the accuracy of a black-box classification model...
In the practice of sequential decision making, agents are often designed...
State-of-the-art NLP inference uses enormous neural architectures and mo...
Data augmentation is a popular pre-processing trick to improve generaliz...
Domain generalization refers to the task of training a model which
We present a Parallel Iterative Edit (PIE) model for the problem of loca...
Given a small corpus D_T pertaining to a limited set of focused
We present CROSSGRAD, a method to use multi-domain training data to lear...