We present a fast bottom-up method that jointly detects over 100 keypoin...
The Social Force model introduced by Helbing and Molnar in 1995 is a
Many image-based perception tasks can be formulated as detecting, associ...
Drones or UAVs, equipped with different sensors, have been deployed in m...
Perceiving humans in the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (...
Monocular and stereo vision are cost-effective solutions for 3D human
Since the past few decades, human trajectory forecasting has been a fiel...
We tackle the fundamentally ill-posed problem of 3D human localization f...
A common challenge in person re-identification systems is to differentia...
We propose a new bottom-up method for multi-person 2D human pose estimat...
Mobility in an effective and socially-compliant manner is an essential y...