Deep Learning has a hierarchical network architecture to represent the
We have developed an adaptive structural Deep Belief Network (Adaptive D...
Deep learning has been a successful model which can effectively represen...
In our research, an adaptive structural learning method of Restricted
AffectNet contains more than 1,000,000 facial images which manually anno...
Deep learning builds deep architectures such as multi-layered artificial...
Deep learning forms a hierarchical network structure for representation ...
Deep Learning has a hierarchical network architecture to represent the
Recently, the market on deep learning including not only software but al...
Deep Learning has the hierarchical network architecture to represent the...
Recently, Deep Learning has been applied in the techniques of artificial...
The recommendation system of the competitive grants to university resear...
We have already developed the recommendation system of sightseeing
We developed an adaptive structure learning method of Restricted Boltzma...
Deep Belief Network (DBN) has a deep architecture that represents multip...
Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is a generative stochastic energy-bas...
An acquisition of a research grant is important for the researchers to
Recently, a high technique of image processing is required to extract th...
Near Field Communication (NFC) standards cover communications protocols ...
Mobile Phone based Participatory Sensing (MPPS) system involves a commun...
Mobile Phone based Participatory Sensing (MPPS) systems involve a commun...
The clonal selection principle explains the basic features of an adaptiv...