As IoT becomes omnipresent vast amounts of data are generated, which can...
In IPFS content identifiers are constructed based on the item's data
We propose a capability-based access control technique for sharing Web
Decentralized systems, such as distributed ledgers and the InterPlanetar...
OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. It facili...
HTTPS enhances end-user privacy and is often preferred or enforced by
In this work, we leverage advances in decentralized identifiers and
Blockchains and smart contracts are an emerging, promising technology, t...
We present models that utilize smart contracts and interledger mechanism...
We present models for utilizing blockchain and smart contract technology...
With the Internet of Things (IoT), Things are expected to live in differ...
Despite technological advances, most smart objects in the Internet of Th...
The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) and its extensions, such as