We consider an inverse problem for a finite graph (X,E) where we are giv...
Recently there has been great interest in operator learning, where netwo...
We build universal approximators of continuous maps between arbitrary Po...
How can we design neural networks that allow for stable universal
We consider an inverse problem of recovering a potential associated to a...
We analyze neural networks composed of bijective flows and injective
Dual-energy X-ray tomography is considered in a context where the target...
In this work, we consider the linear inverse problem y=Ax+ϵ, where
A X→ ...
We propose alternatives to Bayesian a priori distributions that are
We study injective ReLU neural networks. Injectivity plays an important ...
We propose a novel convolutional neural network (CNN), called ΨDONet,
We develop a theoretical analysis for special neural network architectur...
Let M⊂R^n be a C^2-smooth compact submanifold
of dimension d. Assume tha...