Second-order polynomials generalize classical first-order ones in allowi...
Hopfield attractor networks are robust distributed models of human memor...
Previous work (Pauly Ziegler'13) had introduced and justified a qualit...
According to Haar's Theorem, every compact group G admits a unique
We consider randomized computation of continuous data in the sense of
Choosing an encoding over binary strings for input/output to/by a Turing...
Choosing an encoding over binary strings for input/output to/by a Turing...
Choosing an encoding over binary strings is usually straightforward or
While concepts and tools from Theoretical Computer Science are regularly...
Lethal Autonomous Weapons promise to revolutionize warfare -- and raise ...
Inspired by Hofstadter's Coffee-House Conversation (1982) and by the sci...
We propose a concise approximate description, and a method for efficient...