Maciej Paszynski
Maciej Paszynski is a full professor of Computer Science at Institute of Computer Science, AGH University, Krakow, Poland. He obtained his PhD in Mathematics with Applications to Computer Science from Jagiellonian University in 2003, and his Habilitation in Computer Science in 2010 from AGH University. He is a former postdoc of Leszek Demkowicz, working on parallel self-adaptive hp-FEM. Every year, since 2003, he visits Oden Institute at The University of Texas at Austin. He co-authored over 160 papers indexed by SCOPUS. He presented over 100 presentation at conferences and workshops. He collaborates with research groups from The University of Texas at Austin, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in Bilbao, Spain, Curtin University at Perth, Western Australia, Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile, and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. He co-chairs the Artificial Intelligence and HPC for Advances Simulations workshop in the frame of the International Conference on Computational Science (www.iccs-meeting.org). He leads a research group on Adaptive Algorithms and Systems (a2s.agh.edu.pl). His research interests include artificial intelligence and HPC for advanced simulations. He is an editor of Journal of Computational Science.