Subgroup analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) constitutes an
The use of simulation-based sensitivity analyses is fundamental to evalu...
In recent years new cancer treatments improved survival in multiple
In cancer research, clustering techniques are widely used for explorator...
Family history is a major risk factor for many types of cancer. Mendelia...
Bayesian response adaptive clinical trials are currently evaluating
In the current computing age, models can have hundreds or even thousands...
Accurate risk stratification is key to reducing cancer morbidity through...
Jointly using data from multiple similar sources for the training of
Analyzing multiple studies allows leveraging data from a range of source...
We introduce a statistical procedure that integrates survival data from
Most statistical tests for treatment effects used in randomized clinical...
Most Bayesian response-adaptive designs unbalance randomization rates to...
This paper presents a new modeling strategy for joint unsupervised analy...
Detecting associations between microbial composition and sample
Single-cell gene expression data provide invaluable resources for system...