Polyglot is a pioneering project aimed at enhancing the non-English lang...
Typically, tokenization is the very first step in most text processing w...
Korean is a morphologically rich language. Korean verbs change their for...
Invariant risk minimization (IRM; Arjovsky et al., 2019) is a recently
Natural language inference (NLI) and semantic textual similarity (STS) a...
Conversion of Chinese graphemes to phonemes (G2P) is an essential compon...
Jejueo was classified as critically endangered by UNESCO in 2010. Althou...
We present word2word, a publicly available dataset and an open-source Py...
Grammatical error correction can be viewed as a low-resource
Accurate prediction of drug-target interaction (DTI) is essential for in...
We describe our development of CSS10, a collection of single speaker spe...