Low-light image enhancement strives to improve the contrast, adjust the
Most existing 3D instance segmentation methods are derived from 3D seman...
The learned denoising-based approximate message passing (LDAMP) algorith...
Directly training a document-to-document (Doc2Doc) neural machine transl...
We are living in the era of big data. The Metaverse is an emerging techn...
Intelligent navigation among social crowds is an essential aspect of mob...
In the literature, the research on abstract meaning representation (AMR)...
Neural conversation models such as encoder-decoder models are easy to
Recent studies on AMR-to-text generation often formalize the task as a
Neural generative models have become popular and achieved promising
This paper deals with the problem of the electricity consumption forecas...
Neural machine translation systems encode a source sequence into a vecto...
In the past few years, attention mechanisms have become an indispensable...
Even though a linguistics-free sequence to sequence model in neural mach...